Protea & Flowering Gum
Selenia Costanzo
- 60 x 60
- acrylic and impasto on canvas, varnished
My obsession for colour and florals began whilst I was a young child, working along with my grandmother in the garden. I would help her plant out carefully considered flower beds that would explode in a myriad of colours and shapes every season, much to the delight and wonderment of passersby! This early involvement in nature sparked my love of colour, form, texture, and a fascination of how they interplay effortlessly. Taking those moments to reflect and immerse myself within our natural environment, always brings restorative calm and joy. I aim to capture and interpret these moments through use of colour, impasto texture and large floral blooms. Artist’s Statement: As emerging artist, my love of nature translates into my work through the use of colour and texture to capture the energy and movement found around me. I often use an impressionist style and keep it loose, but I also incorporate detailed impasto textures and macro aspects within my work. These snippets of inspiration found all around us is an absolute joy to capture, create and share with others - whether it be a landscape, details on petals or an eclectic floral bouquet. In the piece ‘Protea and Flowering Gum’ the shadow/moody blue tones are used to intensify the vibrant and fiery gum blossoms - the texture then amplifies the energy and movement of these beautiful natives!