Meditation on a Rainforest
Sue Williamson
- 30 x 42
- photograph
1 of 10. Print only available for $120
I developed this image while working creatively with photographs to see what effects I could create. I like abstract expressions and I was really attracted to this dark, rich but somewhat troubling image I had created. It was later that I realised the image reflected a very powerful recurring dream I had years ago, of being lost in a rainforest which was incredibly rich and beautiful in its diversity but also overwhelming. At the time it was a powerful metaphor of what I was going through in my life. Bio I have loved photography since receiving my first camera at 12, with which I won a prize in the ABC Argonauts. However it is only since living here in Kangaroo Valley over the last 20 years, that I have developed my passion for images and honed skills to enable me to be more creative in this art. In some ways I still feel a beginner; but I guess that is always true while we are challenging ourselves to new expressions. I am privileged to live in such a beautiful part of the world and feel compelled to express myself in this context.