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A wonderful group of volunteer team leaders have come together to organise and run this year’s Visual Arts in the Valley festival over the October long-weekend in Kangaroo Valley Each team leader will be putting together their team over the next few months, so if there is a team you’d like to join and help, please get in touch with one of the below people:

Sales Manager – Jo Novich

Gallery Setup – Robert Farnham

Lighting – Mike Gorman

Graphic Design – Julie Frikken

Banners & Flags – Robert Calkhoven

Installation Art – Terhi Hakola

Packing Room – Wendy Calkhoven

Hanging Crew – Matt Southworth

Special Events – Gudula Dornseifer

Catering & Refreshments – Kerri Carlton

Arts Writer – Catriona Moore

After Julie and others do their magic getting the word out to artists and art lovers about the weekend’s events, Robert and Mike, and their teams, will set up the galleries and professional lighting in the Kangaroo Valley Hall, transforming it for the occasion into a contemporary art gallery worthy of any capital city. Then Wendy and her team will welcome and unpack the approximately 150 finalist artworks delivered or mailed from all across Australia. Terhi and her fellow installation artists will be hard at work setting up their art installation at the Pony Club building, based on an artist-in-residency program near Tallow Dam. Meanwhile Robert and his crew will be putting up banners, flags and corflutes around the village and at all roads leading into the Valley. Matt and his crew will take over the next day, under the direction of guest curator Megan Monte at the Hall and special advisor Rex Irwin at the Hive, to hang all works and present videos and other visual arts works on plinths in the four different galleries. Gudula will be staging special events, including at least one gallery talk with suitable late-afternoon/early-evening refreshments. Kerri and her crew, after providing for the volunteers throughout the week, will organise and present regional wines, sparkling and canapés at the Preview, Opening and gallery talks, promising again to be better than any major city opening. When it’s all done, Cat, former Senior Lecturer in Contemporary and Modern Art at the University of Sydney, will sum it up with a scholarly review for regional and hopefully one national publication.

As it takes a village to raise a child, it takes a village of team leaders, friends and neighbours to put on a festival of the visual arts. “Gotta love this Valley.”


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